Thursday, January 15, 2009

Strawn's Pie

Folks familiar with Shreveport know that a trip home is never complete without a piece of Strawn's famous strawberry pie. As you can see below, it was very popular with our little red panda.

Molly eagerly awaits her first bite of pie.

Digging right into bite number 2 (or was it 3, 4, or 5?)

Proving she doesn't need my help, thank you very much.

Molly goes back for the last bite.

And then gives me the stink eye when she realizes I beat her to the punch. Luckily, her G-Daddy saved his last bite for her. Sucker.


sunnygirl said...

There's are great! Personally I go for the Chocolate... even after breakfast last weekend. ;)

Erin said...

She is so smart...Going straight for the whip topping. Thats one of my favorite parts also. Hope we can do it again, with the rest of the fam, very soon.

Anonymous said...

Strawberries in December, only in the Deep South. I craved strawberries when I was carrying Laura. YOu go girl your a true Walker Bozell Woman.

Stephen and Michelle said...

Boy, that sure does sound good! I would definitely go for the Strawberry!

~Michelle B.

YLprez said...

Good to the last swipe..:)